Travels Through
Greco - Roman Antiquity
An exploration of texts and images from Falvey Library's Special Collections works on ancient Greece and Rome.

The Erechtheion

"Here we meet with a temple consisting of two chapels, one dedicated to Minerva Polias, the other to Neptune Erechtheus.  Remark the manner in which fabulous traditions may sometimes be reconciled with historical facts.  You are here shown, on one side, the olive tree which sprang out of the earth at the command of the goddess, and which has so greatly multiplied in Attica;  and, on the other, the well, whence they pretend that Neptune caused the water of the sea to gush out.  By such bounties was it that these divinities aspired to the honour of bestowing their names on this rising city.  The gods decided in favour of Minerva;  and the Athenians for ages preferred agriculture to commerce."  Anacharsis Vol. 2, pp. 218-219





          The Parthenon
          The Propylaea
          The Erechtheion
          The Temple of Hephaistos and Agora













<font size="-2">Above four images from Fowler, Wheeler, and Stevens, pp. 6, 5, 7,and 8, respectively.</font><br><br>
Above four images from Fowler, Wheeler, and Stevens, pp. 6, 5, 7,and 8, respectively.

<font size="-2">Above image from Verrall and Harrison, p. 210.</font><br><br>
Above image from Verrall and Harrison, p. 210.

<font size="-2">Image Public Domain, LevineDS, Wikimedia Commons.</font><br><br>
Image Public Domain, LevineDS, Wikimedia Commons.

<font size="-2">Image CC BY-SA 2.5 Thermos, Wikimedia Commons.</font><br><br>
Image CC BY-SA 2.5 Thermos, Wikimedia Commons.



<font size="-2">Above three images from Fowler, Wheeler, and Stevens, pp. 14, 12, 13, respectively.</font><br><br>
Above three images from Fowler, Wheeler, and Stevens, pp. 14, 12, 13, respectively.

Works Cited

Barthelemy, Jean Jacques.  The Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece.  8 vols.  London:  G. Woodfall, 1806.

Fowler, Harold North, James Rignall Wheeler, and Gorham Phillips Stevens.  A Handbook of Greek Archaeology.  New York, Cincinnati, Chicago:  American Book Company, 1909.

Verrall,  Margaret de G. and Jane E. Harrison.  Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens.  London and New York:  Macmillan and Co., 1890.


Works Cited

Barthelemy, Jean Jacques.  The Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece.  8 vols.  London:  G. Woodfall, 1806.

Fowler, Harold North, James Rignall Wheeler, and Gorham Phillips Stevens.  A Handbook of Greek Archaeology.  New York, Cincinnati, Chicago:  American Book Company, 1909.

Verrall,  Margaret de G. and Jane E. Harrison.  Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens.  London and New York:  Macmillan and Co., 1890.